Monday, December 22, 2008

The Son of Christ:The New Millennium on Offer.

Rights Offering
call: (705) 222-3888
New Year's Coffee Table ensemble

I have a book deal to announce.
I am presenting my livre to the Community.
Interested agents inquiring about this book may contact me.

Letter of Introduction

Darryl. Is a vibrant member of our Community living in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I attended York university in my early twenties. This is when I started taking my writing seriously. I am a founder of several Organizations. White Castle in The Sky, is my latest Project. Organizing an Executive team of Business leaders comprised of women in our Community. Creating an opportunity for them to open and successfully run their own business. Our Organization will help facilitate this Agenda. The more productive women, will be asked to join our Organization and given Executive roles. As a result, many Women within our Community will receive high paying work. This is our mandate. The way that our Organizations are operated and how our Businesses are run. This is our Vision.





‭This visionary book is the story of the first born Son of Christ.
The bad influence of this world was defeated on the eve of a new millennium.‭ ‬This new millennium is then detailed full of higher ideas,‭ ‬concepts and philosophies that bring us brilliance.‭
Included in this visionary coffee table book:‭ ‬The Journey,‭ ‬My Story,‭ ‬Generational Gap,‭ ‬The Son of God:‭ ‬Past tense,‭ ‬Women's Roles,‭ ‬Be responsible,‭ ‬New Commandment,‭ ‬How to Learn,‭ ‬Listening,‭ ‬The Future,‭ ‬Prayer,‭ ‬Heaven on Earth,‭ ‬White Castles In The Sky and the visionary findings of Darryl.
After twenty years of seeking the Truth,‭ ‬I fully Expanded at a time of Meditation,‭ ‬fully Expanding into the Multidimentional person that I am.‭ ‬I communicate with my higher self.‭ ‬A Visionary.‭ ‬This is who I am.‭


The Journey

‭There are many belief systems presiding in our world today.
The religions of our day comprise of much knowledge,‭ ‬philosophies and truth.‭ ‬For those involved in other philosophies of life‭; ‬take only that which is good and leave the rest.‭ ‬Choose your path with care.‭ ‬Follow the truth and develop an understanding based upon all good principles.‭ ‬Always seek the truth.‭ ‬Pray often.‭ ‬Develop the Christ within.‭ ‬Purify oneself daily.‭ ‬Let go of all toxic people.‭ ‬Be conscious of your thoughts.‭ ‬Recite positive affirmations.‭ ‬Meditation.‭ ‬Love Yourself.‭ ‬No tolerance for abuse.‭ ‬What is your relationship with God‭? ‬Read the new Testament.‭ ‬Love God.‭ ‬These are principles suggested to build a foundation for living.‭ ‬Start a spiritual journey.


My Story

‭‬I needed to quit drinking and leave the negative people in my life.‭ ‬I decided to move West to Vancouver.‭ ‬An attempt to heal my life.‭ ‬I lived in the worst part of town,‭ ‬a run down hotel on Pender St.‭ ‬With no money and flat broke,‭ ‬I moved in.‭ ‬Whatever work I found,‭ ‬I paid the rent.‭ ‬Before leaving home,‭ ‬I was searching for answers.‭ ‬Who was I‭? ‬What is this world‭? ‬Who is God‭? ‬I was seeking truth.‭ ‬Twenty one and running on empty.
After arriving in Vancouver,‭ ‬I met a stranger.
He had black hair and wore glasses.‭ ‬I was fascinated by his manner of speaking.
We walked by‭ ‬the ocean each day conversing.‭ ‬He spoke about spirituality.‭ ‬Before our walks we would drink ginger tea.‭ ‬He was a spiritualist.‭ ‬He said‭ " ‬your not just a body,‭ ‬your spiritual.‭" ‬I rediscovered my spiritual nature.‭ ‬It was a wondrous time.‭ ‬I fell in love with Vancouver.‭ ‬I read every magazine I could read and bought a book called,‭ "‬a course in miracles‭" ‬based on biblical truth.
‭ ‬One afternoon,‭ ‬I walked down the street and met a big black woman.‭ ‬She was very big.‭ ‬Preaching loudly,‭ ‬the gospel to passers by.‭ ‬I noticed a King James book in her hand.‭ ‬I approached her with a question.‭ " ‬What is the Truth‭"? ‬Reaching over she prayed,‭ ‬her hand on mine with glee in her eye.‭ ‬I noticed,‭ ‬the sky turned bright pink.‭ ‬I was in an utopian standstill.‭ ‬Beaming with laughter.‭ ‬She released me and said.‭ ‬That is the power of God.‭ ‬That day inspired me.‭ ‬To peruse the truth.‭ ‬My life began.‭ ‬The truth unfolded.‭ ‬Thus beginning,‭ ‬a spiritual journey.‭ ‬When the rain season hit Vancouver,‭ ‬I left town.‭ ‬Travelled back East to Northern Ontario.
After visiting parents,‭ ‬I moved to Toronto.


Generational Gap

Forgiveness is recommended highly by God.‭ ‬The scars that heal allows us a full and abundant life.‭ ‬Forgive yourself,‭ ‬God forgives you.‭ ‬Put an end to generational sins by continuing to pray for the release of past hurts.‭ ‬I advocate suffering for our past hurts.‭ ‬Release and experience past hurts.‭ ‬Let them go.‭ ‬Don't entertain negative thoughts.‭ ‬Be responsible.‭ ‬Don't blame others.‭ ‬God wants us to live abundantly.‭ ‬He accepts love.‭ ‬Those who live their lives for God are Heirs to the Kingdom of God.‭ ‬The Church is a celebration of Life.‭ ‬Living Life to understand Truth.


The Son of God:‭ ‬past tense

‭ ‬Nero was the first born Son of Christ,‭ ‬The King.
Contrary to Nero's folklore depicting him as a persecutor.
Nero was like His Father.‭ ‬As Nero grew up he tried to emulate his Father.‭ ‬Christ was very influential in the life of Nero.‭ ‬Nero tried to live up to his Father's expectations for him.
Nero was a born leader.‭ ‬Often,‭ ‬surpassing His Father's expectations.‭ ‬Darryl remembered the lives that He led.‭ ‬He remembers King Arthur.


Women's Roles

‭ ‬Women will be encouraged to stay at home to love their children.‭ ‬They will find work they love.‭ ‬A loving home will be the most important place.‭ ‬Don't leave yourself in daycare.‭ ‬Be at home loving your children.‭ ‬It encourages wonderful values in our Community.‭ ‬Women are encouraged to run businesses from their home.‭ ‬What kind of work do you love‭?


Be responsible

‭ ‬Ask the Son of God to forgive you of all your past hurts and take responsibility for yours.‭ ‬Don't blame others for the state you find yourself in.‭ ‬Generational patterns have been passed on.‭ ‬These patters of violent oppression,‭ ‬poverty,‭ ‬sexual transgressions and abusive behavior went un addressed for many generations.‭ ‬Forgive these sins through the mighty Son of God.‭ ‬Trust and have the faith that God forgives.‭ ‬Take responsibility for sins and bring yourself into right relationship with God.


New Commandment‭ ‬-‭ ‬No Tolerance For Abuse

‭Don't have any tolerance for abuse.
Don't abuse Yourself.
The Son of God discussed this new Commandment in the heavenly realms.‭ ‬People need not persecute one another.‭ ‬The Son of God paid the price for our transgressions.‭ ‬If we know that the Son of God died on the Cross Two Thousand Years ago for our iniquity,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬is victorious over death,‭ ‬is it now time to end our transgressions‭?
The Son of God is waiting for His children to be sinless,‭ ‬brought to righteousness.

The Son of God,‭ ‬a man of Peace,‭ ‬present in the world,‭ ‬everywhere.‭ ‬To be Christ-like.


How To Learn

‭ ‬Are we still learning‭? ‬Can we learn from everyone‭? ‬Sit and observe people.‭ ‬Who are they‭? ‬What is their purpose in Life‭? ‬Do they believe in God‭? ‬Are they ready to understand‭? ‬What is their story‭?



‭ ‬What is listening‭? ‬What are you observing when you are hearing‭? ‬Do you see what is there‭? ‬When someone asks us to listen,‭ ‬what are they saying‭? ‬Try opening ourselves to the experience of understanding reality.‭ ‬Are we experiencing the Truth‭? ‬Do we really understand what we are hearing‭? ‬Experience Life through your ears.‭ ‬Hear what is there‭?
Laughter,‭ ‬Gentleness,‭ ‬Truth and Humility.‭
Peace on Earth.


The Future

‭ ‬I envision a thriving Community who will love and Live in Peace.‭ ‬Reward and Acknowledgement of our outstanding citizen will be given.‭ ‬Compensation is awarded to those who are productive and placed on the executifs.‭ ‬A conscious Community brought together in Unity.
Technology plays a larger role in society.‭ ‬Our world has increased in speed as the result of the evolution of technology in communication and knowledge.

A Health Care system that supports Cures rather that being funded by pharmaceuticals.‭ ‬Doctors and Nurses will be replaced by a team of specialists called Procurement.‭ (‬ProCure‭) ‬They will be compensated for their achievements in medicine for finding Cures.‭ ‬This is a Social structure supportive on how well people are being treated.

Government will play a lesser role in Society.
Organizations with big budgets will oversee the wellness of it's people.

The Environment will be operated by Ecologically minded Organizations and are rewarded financially for their success in Greenery.

The Church is a Celebration of Life.

A new Economy will Arise resulting in a happier,‭ ‬more productive work force.‭ ‬People loving their work.
Encouragement in the Arts always.‭



‭ ‬Honesty when Praying.‭ ‬Speak Truthfully au coeur when praying.‭ ‬Start in morning and end in evening.‭ ‬Start a regiment of Prayer daily.‭ ‬Pray prayers you already know.‭ ‬Formulating your own Prayer is important.‭ ‬Keep your power prayers.‭ ‬Pray for Women,‭ ‬plants,‭ ‬and animals.‭ ‬Pray for the elements.‭ ‬Earth,‭ ‬Wind,‭ ‬Fire and Air.‭ ‬We are fully enriched by the prayers of our people.‭ ‬Rewarding us in our Lives.‭ ‬Set kids on the proper use of the English language.‭ ‬Teach our Tot to be better people each day.


Heaven on Earth

‭ ‬Can we live our lives in heaven‭? ‬What are we doing on Earth‭? ‬Les femmes will always be a member of our Family.‭ ‬We have a right to Live amongst the Heavens.‭ ‬How do we get there‭? ‬To evolve as a person in this world requires us to understand.‭ ‬When we are ready to live abundantly within our universe,‭ ‬the Heavens will open for us.




On the Horizon

Is my latest project.‭ ‬Organizing an executive team of Business leaders comprised of women in our Community.‭ ‬Creating an opportunity for women to open and successfully run their own business.‭ ‬Our organization will help facilitate this agenda.‭ ‬The more productive women will be asked to join our organization and given executive roles.‭ ‬As a result,‭ ‬many women within our Community will receive good high paying work.‭ ‬This is our mandate.‭ ‬The way that our Organizations are operated and how our Businesses are run.‭ ‬This is Our Vision.


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